Welcome to the Artbuilt Mobile Studios
2017 Gallery!
for more behind the scenes visit our instagram!

Throughout his WHAT IS WILD? Mobile Studio in a Park residency, artist Eric Magnus is engaging communities of park users in creating and sharing meaningful digital recordings of the nature found in the urban wilderness of Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

June 2017 Summer Dayz with dancing, music, and art activities.

Thank you Kensington for such a great kick off to the summer and to the Kensington Stewards for hosting such a fun event.

Thank you also to Arts & Democracy, Spaceworks, New York City Council, NYC DOT and Neighborhood Plaza Partnership!

Summer Dayz Crafts

Summer Dayz Song

Summer Dayz Community

Summer Dayz Brighten

Summer Dayz Move


Big thanks to Council Member Brad Lander and our co-sponsors Arts & Democracy, Avenue C Plaza, Spaceworks, NYC DOT, Neighborhood Plaza Partnership, New York City Council!

Boat Making Workshops with Jill Reinier of The Singing Winds .

Kite Making Workshop with Jill Reinier of The Singing Winds!

Thanks to the beautiful weather and the beautiful community of Kensington residents who came out to join us!

A warm thank you to Council Member Brad Lander for stopping by to help us fly some kites and to our co-sponsors Arts & Democracy, Avenue C Plaza, Spaceworks, NYC DOT, Neighborhood Plaza Partnership, New York City Council!

Sunday June 18th 2017, Oaxacan frames and mirrors!!

Saturday June 17th 2017 drawing!!!

Candle Making!!

Custom decorated frames with henna and more!!!

Henna workshop at Avenue C!

Thank you to the New York City Council Cultural Immigrant Initiative + Council Member Council Member Brad Lander!! As well as to our partners Arts & Democracy , Spaceworks FABNYC, Neighborhood Plaza Partnership, and NYC Dot!

BPL’s Summer Reading program at Avenue C!


Thanks to teaching artist Cynthia Fortozo and all the great Kensington residents who came out to create with us at Avenue C Plaza.

Saturday we built!

Sunday we painted!

Special thanks to the New York City Council Cultural Immigrant Initiative + Council Member Brad Lander!!

And a Thank You! to our partners Arts & Democracy, Spaceworks, FABNYC, Neighborhood Plaza Partnership!