What we do

Artist Jessica Dickson;
in her Artbuilt Brooklyn Army Terminal Studio.



The Brooklyn Army Terminal Studio Community is a 50,000 square foot affordable arts and arts business production space, with over 60 spaces and more than 100 working artists and businesses, located in the Brooklyn Army Terminal. ArtBuilt Brooklyn aggregates production space for small producers, building long-term stability for NYC’s creative economy, and security for the creative workforce that makes NYC a global cultural capital.

Some Current Members include:



Hip Hop Dance Class at Avenue C Plaza Mobile Studio June Residency



ArtBuilt Mobile Studios bring arts and culture programming to parks and street plazas in under-served neighborhoods, helping residents, city agencies and elected officials re-imagine our public spaces as venues for creative production. Currently in New York City, NY and Philadelphia PA (with partners The VIllage of Arts and Humanities).

Current Programs

° JUNE 2023 Calendar

Past Programs

° Visit our Events Archive  for details on past Mobile Studios.



CreativeMoney Homebuyer Training Workshop for Artists



ArtBuilt works to provide robust support to artists/creative workers across a broad spectrum of needs - basic financial literacy, debt management/reduction, credit repair, savings, long-term asset-building/multigenerational wealth-building, homeownership and access to affordable rentals

Current Programs

° Thrive In Place: Affordable housing info sessions presented with the Actors Fund
° Homebuyer Training with the New York Mortgage Coalition
° CreativeMoney: Financial workshops for artists
° Trust•Worthy: A reciprocal savings program for artists

Past Programs

° IDA Match Grant and Savings Account
° Low income Artist Peer Loan
° Previous Workshops